The Art of Nursing Awards - GBMC
Pictured from left to right: MARTY JENOFF, TY GENTNER, GABBY Sturgeon, Kevin Casey, Kane Rose, Sean freeman, dennard brown, rodney mitchell, victor fink, zephan blaxberg, angie Auth, and josh land.
On May 9th we took part in the Live Streaming of the “Art of Nursing Awards” for GBMC. This was our largest and most difficult live streaming production ever. We were joined by 13 crew members, all working a 12 hour day each to ensure a successful event, plus dozens of hours of pre-production planning by the team as well.
We deployed 10 cameras and the broadcast included almost 100 titles, videos, photos, and graphics. Other equipment involved constituted a teleprompter, wireless intercom, fiber optic cabling, and several of other secrets. There were also 40+ pages of scripts and rundown.
This Facebook Live was hosted by WMAR-2 News Baltimore Skyler Henry and Mallory Sofastaii.
The massive event celebrated the nursing staff at GBMC, and invited beforehand interviews, previously recorded videos, which included an insight into the life of a nurse, the schooling that it requires, and the joy that the nurses face as well as the hard times. This unique and genuine view into this profession, was not only eye opening but incredibly heart warming. The word “celebrate” was used several times, and the value felt by the nurses through GBMC was evident in every conversation. Retiring nurses were also celebrated, as well as new projects including a practice being built for the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore City. At one point in the ceremony, the Helping Up Mission Choir sang for everyone as well.
With so many facets of this complicated program we were excited to be able to provide all of the footage that encompassed this motivating event. We look forward to seeing more from GBMC in the future!
Special thanks to Tracey Brown of Papercamera Photography for the below photos.

Feel free to take a look at the Awards Night Footage via the following links: